Rivet Nut Gun | Rivnut® Gun
A Rivet Nut Gun, or Rivnut® Gun, is a tool used to install a Rivnut®, or rivet nut fastener. The pulling mechanism inside the tool engages the internal threads of the fastener to exert a pull, which causes the rivet nut shank to expand/upset against the blindside of the material that it is being fastened. These guns are typically actuated with pneumatic air pressure and have hydraulic oil running throughout the inside of the tool, so it is a pneumatic/hydraulic tool. However, recent innovations have created a lithium-ion rechargeable battery operated version, a cordless rivet nut gun. And, there are always the time tested medium- and low-volume manual hand tools, which provide the excellent installation results at an affordable cost, but at slower install rate.
The pneumatic/hydraulic Rivet Nut Guns are powered by air compressors at 90 psi. The pressure of air enters the gun and forces hydraulic oil and a large internal spring to accurate the tool. Operators are pleased to see the tools provide consistent, high quality installation of each rivet nut.
Advantages of Pneumatic/Hydraulic Rivet Nut Guns
- Ergonomic Grip (including a hook that provides the ability to hang the tool from a zero gravity reel)
- Rivnut® Fastener Auto-Feeds into Gun (saves several seconds per install)
- Quick Installation (up to 20 installs per minute in perfect conditions)
- Single Trigger Installation Sequence
- Tool Automatically Reverses Out of Installed Fastener
These types of rivet nut guns come in either pull-to-stroke (Cardinal’s P/N 4080, also known as Bollhoff’s P2005) or pull-to-pressure (Cardinal’s P/N 4090, also known as Bollhoff’s P2007 and Cardinal’s P/N 6703P, also known as Bollhoff’s P3007PN) options – dependent on your specific fastener and application needs. If you are working on an assembly line, or in a shop, and need to speed up production – these Rivet Nut Guns are the perfect tool for you when there are high volume installations involved.
Advantages of Manually Operated Rivet Nut Guns
When you have a small to medium production job, are prototyping a product or are installing larger sized Rivet Nuts, you will fall in love with these hand tools:
- 140-2000 – The Double Lever Tool (or the 140-2000P for Plusnuts®!!!)
- C6000 (rivet nuts) / C7000 (Plusnuts®) Single Lever Type
- C722 (larger rivet nuts) / C845 (smaller rivet nuts) Wrench Type Tools
- C1000 (Plusnuts®) Wrench Type Tool
- C3600 – Key Seating Tool (used to notch a keyway in the hole, for rivet nuts that have a “keyed” head for better spin out protection)
Advantages of Battery Operated Rivet Nut Guns
Then, there is the B4090 (also known as Bollhoff’s B2007) battery-operated rivet nut installation tool. If you are working in the field, or on a jobsite, this may be a great fit for you. If you want to reduce the number of air lines in your production cell, then this is the ONLY choice for you!!! This portable, lightweight, cordless tool will generate enough force to set even the most heavy duty Rivnut® fasteners properly time and time again, many other battery operated tools will quickly wear when trying to tackle high volume production settings with heavy duty rivet nuts. This cordless rivet nut gun is perfect for small, medium or large production jobs. Each battery charge can last hundreds to thousands of installs, depending on the rivet nut size.
Maintenance and Safety of Rivet Nut Guns
To keep your rivet nut gun on the production line for a long time, whether pneumatic/hydraulic, manually operated, or battery-operated, largely depends on their proper maintenance. For rivet nut guns that require oil or lubricants, check the fluids on a daily basis to avoid burning out the tool. This is the number one recommendation we make, check the oil in the tool daily, as most tool repairs that we see come in do involve tools with low oil.
Regular cleaning and inspection can prevent premature wear and tear, ensuring consistent performance over time. It’s crucial to keep the tools clean, especially the threaded mandrel where the Rivnut® fastener is placed, as dirt or metal shavings can negatively afflict the installation process.
For safety, always remember to disconnect the tool from its power source during maintenance or when not in use. When using pneumatic/hydraulic guns, ensure the air compressor is in good condition and the pressure regulator is in proper working condition as well. The wrong pressure will create undesirable results: pressure that is too low (the install won’t occur) or too high (the install will ruin the fastener, blow seals in the install gun or both).
For battery-operated tools, proper handling and storage of batteries can prevent potential hazards.
With proper use and maintenance, rivet nut guns can provide a long term, effective, and reliable solution for your fastening needs. Whether you’re working in a high-volume manufacturing environment or handling a small DIY project, there’s a Rivet Nut Gun that’s right for you.
If you aren’t sure what type of Rivet Nut Gun will work best for your application, contact Rivet Nut USA (a division of Cardinal Components, Inc.) to speak with our installation tool and fastener sales engineers. They are sure to find you the right rivet nut and rivet nut gun to meet and exceed your high quality and performance expectations. They are proud to be the leading provider of Bollhoff pneumatic installation tools. You can be confident that Rivet Nut USA will be with you every step of the way (even post order) to provide technical support and assistance to assure your installations go exactly as you drew it up!