Rivet Nut USA is proud to offer an extensive range of IN-STOCK QuickRivets for your various application requirements. Below lists more information on the various types of QuickRivets, along with the associated catalog page for further dimensional and performance details on each rivet.

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QuickRivets are fasteners for blind or 1-sided riveting in medium and high-volume applications. They can be installed up to 4x faster than traditional methods. Pre-install of the rivets isn’t necessary, resulting in faster assembly and reduced labor costs. QuickRivets perform consistently, reducing the need for adjustments. Because of the higher clamping force, the joint is more steady under shear and tension loads, and resists vibration. We carry 3 different types of QuickRivets: Zipriv®, Zipsho®, and Zipscrew®.

RivetKing® QuickRivets Catalog Information


ZipRiv® fasteners are used predominantly in sheet metal fabrication. These QuickRivets can have either a dome or countersunk head and come in either aluminum, steel, brass, or stainless steel. Available finishes are zinc ROHS, black anodize, black zinc ROHS, and tin plated. The dome head style comes in diameters of 3/16”, 5/32”, 1/8”, and 3/32”; while the countersunk head only comes in diameters of 5/32” or 1/8”. Each size is available in multiple grip ranges, except for the dome head 3/32”, as that has only 3 grip ranges: .045-.095, .085-.135, and .125-.175. The ZipRiv® can be installed into material thicknesses including, but not limited to, .125” and .250”.

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QuickRivets, RivetKing® QuickRivets, ZipRiv®


ZipSho® rivets are a specialty fastener for materials that can crack or break under extreme clamping pressure. Each comes with either a dome, undersized, or low-profile head; each with multiple grip ranges, except for the dome head 3/32”, as that has only 3 grip ranges: .001-.062, .062-.125, and .125-.187. The available diameters for the dome head type are 3/16”, 5/32”, 1/8” and 3/32”. The undersized head type only comes in 1/8”, while the low-profile head type comes in either 3/16” or 1/8”. ZipSho® rivets come in aluminum, steel, brass, or stainless steel; and include finishes of zinc ROHS, black anodize, black zinc ROHS, or tin plated. ZipSho® fasteners can be installed into material thicknesses including, but not limited to, .020”, .125”, .250”, and .500”.

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QuickRivets, ZipSho®, RivetKing


ZipScrews® are another specialty fastener for allowing continuous removal and replacement after the original install. Mostly used in electronics, this rivet allows for removal by the end user. These fasteners only come in steel, and can have zinc ROHS, black zinc ROHS, or tin plating. The radial of the ZipScrew® expands for a vibration resistant assembly. The available diameter sizes are 3.0 mm, 3.5 mm, 4.0 mm with max grip ranges of .112”, .151”, .190”, .229”, .268”, and .307”. The largest grip for the 3.0 mm is .422”; largest for 3.5 mm is .463”; and largest for 4.0 mm is .385”. The ZipScrew® rivets can be installed into material thicknesses including, but not limited to, .125” and .250”.

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Rivetking, QuickRivets, ZipScrew®