The Bollhoff SNAPLOC® is a two-part fastener system consisting of a ball stud and coupling for quick installation and is based on the principle of a simple snap connection. The female coupling is inserted into the bottom of the respective cover in a specially designed mounting and held in a closed-form. The backside of the male ball stud can be screwed into various materials and then snapped into the female coupling. With just a simple push-fit to connect and easy to pull apart to detach – the Bollhoff SNAPLOC® fastener system provides an optimal joining system with the additional benefits of vibration and noise minimization capability. Rivet Nut USA (a distributing division of Cardinal Components, Inc.) is your preferred Bollhoff SNAPLOC® distributor, contact us today!
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Bollhoff SNAPLOC® Male Ball Studs are Available in Six Basic Designs. They may be distinguished by the form of their fastening.
- SNAPLOC® Male Ball Studs with Internal Thread
- SNAPLOC® Male Ball Studs with External Thread or Male Joining
- Plastic Adjustable
- Solid Plastic K’ in K’
- Solid Plastic Clip Form
- Solid Plastic Injection Molding
- Solid Plastic for Insertion
Four standard ball head diameters are currently available (ball head diameters 7, 8, 10 and 15 mm). The following parameters are variable – shaft length, thread diameter and thread length, material, color, material of the blank and various drives, whereby two drives may also be realized per ball stud. The various ball studs may be customized and combined, in all ways, with the various coupling designs within one ball diameter.
Bollhoff SNAPLOC® Female Receiving Couplings are Available in Two Basic Designs. They vary in the type of fastening.
Four product variants are currently available which are defined through the characteristic main feature of the male ball stud: the ball head diameters in 7, 8, 10 and 15 mm. The following parameters are variable – external diameter, collar, collar depth, material, color and their special designs. The couplings may be combined, in all ways, with the ball stud designs within one ball diameter. Snaploc® couplings with a multi-retainer is a new system that can be used in a mounting dome as well as plate fastenings!
SNAPLOC® Male Ball Studs with External Thread

SNAPLOC® Male Ball Studs with Internal Thread

SNAPLOC® Female Receiving Mounting Dome Coupling

SNAPLOC® Female Receiving Plate Fastening Coupling