Rivet Nut USA is proud to offer an extensive range of IN-STOCK Multi Grip Blind Rivets for your various application requirements. Below lists more information on the various types of rivets, along with the associated catalog page for further dimensional and performance details on each rivet.
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ABS-RT™ Series: Aluminum / Steel MultiGrip-RT™ Ring Style
The benefit of a MultiGrip-RT™ is that they offer a wider grip range than traditional blind rivets, assisting the users in inventory reduction and part consolidation efforts. The MultiGrip-RT™ series has aesthetic appeal to the backside of the assembly. This ring style blind rivet has an aluminum body with a steel trivalent zinc clear plated mandrel. Three sizes (1/8”, 5/32”, and 3/16”) are available in either dome head, large flange, or countersunk head. Optional 1/4″ size is available with a dome head. Each size is available in multiple grip ranges. Note, 1/4” diameter rivets have a 1.25 inch mandrel length minimum.
A = Aluminum Body
B = Dome Head
S = Steel Mandrel
A = Aluminum Body
C = Countersunk Head
S = Steel Mandrel
Typical RivetKing® Part numbers:
ABS-41-42MGRT, ABS-41-43MGRT, ABS-43-44MGRT, ABS-43-45MGRT, ABS-45-47MGRT, ABS-51-53MGRT, ABS-52-54MGRT, ABS-53-55MGRT, ABS-54-58MGRT, ABS-62-64MGRT, ABS-63-67MGRT, ABS-66-69MGRT, ABS-66-610MGRT, ABS-82-84MGRT, ABS-84-86MGRT, ABS-86-88MGRT, ABS-41-43LFMGRT, ABS-43-44LFMGRT, ABS-52-54LFMGRT, ABS-62-64LFMGRT, ABS-63-67LFMGRT, ABS-66-69LFMGRT, ACS-43-44MGRT, ACS-53-55MGRT, ACS-62-65MGRT, and ACS-66-68MGRT.

ABA-RT™ Series: Aluminum / Aluminum MultiGrip-RT™ Ring Style
The benefit of a MultiGrip-RT™ ring style is that they offer a wider grip range then traditional blind rivets assisting the users in inventory reduction and part consolidation efforts. The MultiGrip-RT™ series has aesthetic appeal to the backside of the assembly. This ring style blind rivet has an aluminum body with an aluminum alloy mandrel. They are available in two body diameters (1/8” and 3/16”) and come with either a dome head or a large flange.
A = Aluminum Body
B = Dome Head
A = Aluminum Mandrel
Typical RivetKing® Part numbers:
ABA-41-43MGRT, ABA-43-45MGRT, ABA-45-47MGRT, ABA-62-64MGRT, ABA-63-66MGRT, ABA-66-68MGRT, ABA-68-612MGRT, ABA-41-43LFMGRT, ABA-62-64LFMGRT, ABA-63-66LFMGRT, and ABA-68-612LFMGRT.

ABS-CT™ Series: Aluminum / Steel Trivalent Zinc Plated Multi-CT™ and MultiGrip-CT™ Crimp Style
The benefit of a Multi-CT™ or MultiGrip-CT™ crimp style blind rivet is that they offer a wider grip range than traditional blind rivets, assisting the users in inventory reduction and part consolidation efforts. The Multi-CT™ or MultiGrip-CT™ series has excellent hole fill ability and strength as compared to standard blind rivets and the RT series MultiGrips™ or Multi-CT™. Available in three sizes (1/8”, 5/32”, and 3/16”) with either dome head, large flange, or countersunk head. Optional fourth size available in 1/4” with dome head. Each size is available in multiple material grip ranges. This crimp style rivet comes in an aluminum body with steel trivalent zinc plated mandrel. (For MultiGrip-CT™ in stainless steel, refer to Rivex® blind rivets.) Other manufacturers may call these an Avdel® Avex®, POP® Peel, Marson® MultiGrip™, or Gesipa® PolyGrip®.
A = Aluminum Body
B = Dome Head
S = Steel Mandrel
Typical RivetKing® Part numbers:
ABS-41-43MG, ABS-42-44MG, ABS-43-45MG, ABS-45-46MG, ABS-51-52MG, ABS-52-54MG, ABS-54-56MG, ABS-56-58MG, ABS-62-64MG, ABS-63-67MG, ABS-66-68MG, ABS-68-610MG, ABS-610-612GCT, ABS-82-84MG, ABS-84-86MG, ABS-86-88MG, ABS-42-43LFMG, ABS-42-44LFMG, ABS-44-45LFMG, ABS-52-54LFMG, ABS-53-55LFMG, ABS-55-58LFMG, ABS-62-64LFMG, ABS-66-68LFMG, ABS-68-612LFMG, ACS-43-44MG, ACS-53-55MG, ACS-62-65MG, and ACS-66-68MG.

SBS-CT™ Series: Steel / Steel MultiGrip-CT™ Crimp Style
The benefit of a MultiGrip-CT™ crimp style blind rivet is that they offer a wider grip range than traditional blind rivets assisting the users in inventory reduction and part consolidation efforts. The MultiGrip-CT™ series has excellent hole fill ability and strength as compared to standard blind rivets and rt series MultiGrips™. Available with a steel trivalent zinc plated body with steel trivalent zinc plated mandrel. They come in three sizes (1/8”, 5/32”, and 3/16”) with either dome head, large flange, or countersunk head. Optional fourth size is available in 1/4” with dome head. Each size is available in multiple grip ranges. (For MultiGrip-CT™ in stainless steel, refer to Rivex® blind rivets.)
S = Steel Body
B = Dome Head
S = Steel Mandrel
Typical RivetKing® Part numbers:
SBS-41-43MG, SBS-42-44MG, SBS-52-53MG, SBS-62-63MG, and SBS-63-64MG.

QuikSnap®: Nickel Plated Brass / Stainless
The innovative QuikSnap® is the ideal companion to the standard canvas snap used on truck bodies, convertibles, boats, cars and many other applications. The snap head is brass with nickel plating, and the mandrel is stainless steel. Available sizes can accommodate grip ranges from .020 to .087″, and .188 to .375″.
B = Brass Head
SS = Stainless Steel Mandrel
Typical RivetKing® Part numbers:
B/SS43SH and B/SS46SH.