Bollhoff Rivkle Seal Ring, Waterproof Rivet NutThe RIVKLE® Seal Ring technology is an assembly solution which features a captive sealing o-ring for simple and reliable installation, even working with automatic high-volume robotic blow‑feed installations. The installed rivet nut is robust, offering a waterproof seal against the penetration of liquids, meeting the requirements of standard ISO 20653 and automotive quality requirements. All of our products are proof tested with air pressure as well, meaning that in most to all instances, the installed waterproof rivet nut is sealed against any air or gases too!

Our new range of tight RIVKLE® Seal Ring rivet nuts protects your assemblies from external environmental factors (water, rain, salt, air, gases, etc…), which ensures waterproofing against all fluids. These O-ring sealing benefits are optimal in Electric Vehicle (EV) battery packs, which require a total seal from any environmental factors forcing their way into the battery pack to prevent early corrosion of the batteries.

Furthermore, it retains the performance of RIVKLE® fasteners over time (metal-to-metal contact). By watching the videos below on this webpage, the rivet nut has a special patented notch that allows the O-ring to completely mold into and be 100% housed within the rivet nut head. The O-ring then is protected 100% from all outside environmental factors that could create early aging of the rubber O-ring (such as air or temperatures, making the rubber brittle and resulting in the O-ring being comprised, which could allow liquids  into the enclosure, such as an EV battery pack).

RIVKLE® Seal Ring Advantages

Bollhoff Rivkle Seal Ring Crossview Installment, Waterproof Rivet Nut Crossview InstallmentPerformance
  • Resistance to early aging and fluids (waterproof rivet nut).
  • RIVKLE® Seal Ring, Waterproof Rivet NutThe o-ring seal is protected from external factors, such as liquids, water, air and gases.
  • No risk of tension loss in the assembly, the rivet nut head still provides metal-to-metal contact with the parent/host material.
Reliable assemblies
  • The mechanical performance of the assemblies is preserved.
  • The o-ring seal remains captive, housed 100% within the head of the rivet nut. See videos below!
  • Designed for repeatable and reliable manual and/or automated setting.
  • Sealing solution directly integrated on the blind rivet nuts and studs. It’s ready for install!
  • Easy and quick setting both in manual and automatic modes. Conveniently, you can use the same rivet nut installation tools that you use today!
Automotive quality
  • Quality Guarantee: proven sealing (ATEQ), IPX7 range in accordance with ISO 20653.
  • Surface treatment: typical plating used is tested 720h of resistance to red rust.
  • 100% visual robotic inspection to ensure required quality and ppm levels.


Check out this Bollhoff Rivkle® Seal Ring Technology video!

Check out the Bollhoff Rivkle® Seal Ring Solutions for Electronic Vehicles (EV) Battery Packs!

3-in-1 Technology

RIVKLE® Seal Ring, Waterproof Rivet Nut

Sealing Function

The seal remains securely attached to the RIVKLE® body under all circumstances, including during automatic setting with blow feed and after thermal stressing from -35 degrees Celsius to +220 degrees Celsius depending on the O-ring seal material.

Thread Function

Adds a strong and reusable internal or external thread (stud) to thin-walled workpieces.

Rivet Function

Two or more sheets of dissimilar materials can be joined.

Click here to Open Bollhoff RIVKLE® Seal Ring Catalog Information


For 40+ years, Rivet Nut USA™, a division of Cardinal Components, has been your comprehensive resource that provides high quality components which improves the quality of your product, extends the life of your application and are competitively priced.

No matter what you’re looking for, Rivet Nut USA™ is your one-stop-shop for all your Bollhoff RIVKLE® Seal Ring needs. We are the preferred distributor of fasteners and rivet nuts. Rivet Nut USA™, has direct suppliers of Bollhoff RIVKLE® Seal Rings (a waterproof rivet nut with O-ring) and we stock them for Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery into a customer’s production line.

Need more assistance? Call Rivet Nut USA™ at 800.236.3200 or Contact Us for a FREE quote or more information!