A Blind Nut Insert Fastener, or a Bollhoff RIVNUT® fastener, is a tubular blind nut insert with internal nut threads (i.e., a Rivet Nut). A blind nut insert is a very old school way of describing a rivet nut.
The rivet nut is BLINDLY installed in seconds from one side of the application (blind meaning access to the backside of the parent application is not necessary). A rivet nut is both a NUT (contains internal threads) and an INSERT (inserts into the parent application, is installed and then allows a secondary attachment to be bolted to the parent application). Once installed, no finishing work is required on the RIVNUT®. RIVNUTs® not only provide a dependable fastener, they also give you the added benefit of clean internal threads for attachments.
For any project where a strong, easy-to-install blind nut insert fastener is required; the RIVNUT® will work perfectly. Bollhoff utilizes only the highest grade materials to ensure products are dependable and efficient.
For over 60 years, automotive, agricultural equipment manufacturers, metal fabrication, appliance, food equipment, aerospace and defense industries have used the superior grade Bollhoff RIVNUT® threaded blind nut inserts to solve tough fastening problems.
The one-piece blind nut insert, or RIVNUT®, provides a nut plate and requires no finishing. The RIVNUT® fastener is made to exacting tolerances. There is a complete selection of types and materials. Paired with RIVNUT’s® fine rivet nut installation tools/guns, the RIVNUT® blind nut insert fastener makes a reliable total fastening system. Check out our other options for RIVNUT® fasteners, such as our HEXNUT®, PLUSNUT®, and Metric RIVKLE® options.

Step 1
The RIVNUT® fastener is threaded onto the mandrel of an installation tool.
Step 2
The RIVNUT® fastener, on the tool mandrel, is inserted into the hole drilled for installation.
Step 3
The mandrel retracts and pulls the threaded portion of the RIVNUT® fastener shank toward the blind side of the work, forming a bulge in the unthreaded shank area.
Step 4
The RIVNUT® fastener is clinched securely in place. The mandrel is unthreaded, leaving the internal RIVNUT® threads intact.
Blind Nut Plate
The properly installed RIVNUT® fastener makes an excellent blind nut plate for simple screw attachments.
- Installs blind in sheet metal, plastics and tubular materials.
- Can be used as a rivet to assemble two or more materials and as a nut for the attachment of a mating part with a screw.
- Installs into galvanized or prepainted materials without damaging surface finishes.
- Installs mechanically without deforming the parent material.
- Installs before or after a finish is applied to the base material.
- Installs into material as thin as .020″ (0.5mm) providing strong load-bearing threads.
- Installs at a rate of 20 pieces per minute with pneumatic power tools/ guns.
- Installs with inexpensive hand tools for field repair or consumer kit installation.
- Installs with semi-skilled labor with minimal training.
- Is ideal for automated assembly due to a balanced geometric shape.
- Installation is environmentally friendly and produces no harmful gases, heat, dust or electromagnetic fields to affect workers.
- Installs into a wide range of material thicknesses due to a wide grip range tolerance.